It was Executor's brother, who fought against Executor, but Executor was too strong and didn't seem to be able to die, so the hero used a chaos technique to split Executor's soul from his body. Upon taking X's soul, Executor became the leader of the demons and engaged in a war against both angels and mobians so they could bring the apocalypse to the world, slaughtering millions without remorse, but a brave hero emerged to defeat the demon. Executor thanked X for all he had done and killed him and took his soul. After his training was complete, X was fatally wounded by an archangel who had drained him of his abilities, and asked Executor to kill him and steal his soul to make himself powerful and start the war with the angels and mobians. Some time after Lira's death, Executor became the pupil of X, the lord of the demons, and used his demonic magic to turn Executor into a demon.

Upon hearing of his wife's death, Executor snapped and began harboring dark thoughts of violence and bloodshed. However, at some point in time, Lira was murdered by known people, although it's implied she died in a war. 7.3 Blood Tears DLC: Fall of the AngelsĮxecutor lived millions of years prior to the game as a mortal, happily married to his wife, Lira.He eventually redeemed himself after he started feeling empathy for his victims and rebelled against his former mentor, X. It is revealed that Executor was once a mortal who turned to demonic magic and vengeance in order to unleash his rage upon the world after his wife was murdered. In present day, he was accidentally unleashed by Sonic and possessed him, using his body to complete his apocalyptic mission. He is an ancient demon who was imprisoned for millions of years inside a magical crimson ring after a great war he started between mobians, angels and demons. He appears as the titular main antagonist of Sonic.exe: Blood Scream (as well as its upcoming remake) and it's sequel Sonic.exe: Blood Tears and the main protagonist of its DLC Fall of the Angels.

~ Executor's last interaction with Sonic before moving on.Įxecutor Vermillion, simply known as Executor, (additionally known as Sonic.exe) is the titular main antagonist of the Sonic.exe: Blood Scream series. I still have to fix something else, but I can't do it here. ~ Executor after killing Tails in the bad ending of Blood Tears. ~ Executor's villainous breakdown after refusing to give up. I AM GOD, I SHALL RULE THIS WORLD AND THE ONES WHO DARE TO FACE ME MUST DIE!! THERE'S NO WAY I'LL ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN.